Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Ride Report 2 Sea's (Dos Mares)

Hola, this blog is to provide a more detailed account of the riding here in Baja Sur or more specifically from Los Barriles on the Sea Of Cortez to Todos Santos on the Pacific Ocean and back. Today, 2 rejuvenated motorcycle enthusiasts Lang and Andrew gear up early in morning and we head north from LB along the beach, always my preferred direction in the morning, as you really can't beat a sunrise and the early morning light over the ocean. Heading north the first 20 miles is through small developments in and out of pristine beaches until the mountains meet the sea and the trail demands your full attention. Not to dilly dally too much, but a couple short stops for pictures and enjoy the spectacular views from elevated heights over the ocean. A feeling draws you to hang out here all day with a snorkel and cooler '0 cold ones, but noooo, the trails and adrenaline wait not, time to roll.

Passing the summit and down into the Los Planes valley below you can look across and see the next mountain peaks that await us, a quick pit stop as you rarely ever pass a Pemex without stopping then off through the grande cactus and up a very large sand wash towards Piedra Larga which is a large rock outcropping in which the Aztec's performed their human sacrifices to benefit the crops below! when taking the time to stop and climb up the rock it is really a special feeling with lots of energy and strange thoughts fill your head! scary? nahh, but were not going there at night! Continuing on we head through the mountains to El Triunfo where we take a hydrate break while enjoying the old world charm of this 17 century mining town where Eiffel himself designed this structure before he got his big job in Paris.

West ward we head ripping the higher speed road's with a few rancho's to keep your full attention watching out for the vaca, yes we do have cow's to deal with here. Nearing the Pacific the route gets a little more technical mixed with open views giving the sense of feel and smell that the Pacific lays just ahead. Riding the beach is always a special feeling and this stretch of beach gives and gives. The Pacific is usually blasting in the 4 to 6 waves here and plenty of roar to accompany your FMF KTM throaty bike ripping for endless miles of wide sandy beach break with sand whips to play along the way. Todos Santos is a very cool place and great to spend the night or grab lunch at one of the local fares if desired. The draw of this tourist town is shopping galore, historic site's as Hotel California, the Mission etc. Today we are grabbing a few awesome pork taco's another full tank O fun fuel and heading back to the mountains just like my old favorite T shirt said "Work Sucks Im Heading To The Mountains!" Looking back to the East from Todos Santos lie the Sierra La Laguna mountains they rise to almost 7,000 feet and have a very hostile looking environment, we ride straight towards them on a route that a person can never get tired of.  Andrew and Lange are quite happy to have a full belly to keep the energy high for the next couple of hours through the ridge lines, bottom small sand washes and over the mountains throwing in plenty of rocky terrain to keep your S#*! together on. Finally we break towards the Sea of Cortez and follow the large arroyo to San Bartolo for a agua break before heading back to Los Barriles where a cold cerveza or 2 wait for us with the stories and memories to share and laugh over the rest of the perfect evening and a perfect kick a guys ass day!.
As options for this ride, it can be done in one long day as we did today or spending the night on the Pacific, as well there is also a southern route, continue to check out my blog for more ride reports as this is my back yard, a damn big one with lots of abundant riding and adventure opportunities! Come join us.

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