Monday, September 5, 2016

That's a Braaap on the season.

As our season goes this one lined up for plenty of excitement with guys coming from all over the world AussieSerb's, Panama Israelis', South Africans, East/West Gringo's and Bulldogs oh my!

You know things will be interesting when the group shows up with an extra German!

The Hammer ready to roll!

Tyler is a big man that never quit giggling like a school girl.

 Last late summer we saw another wet one here and the 13 inches of rain turned Baja Sur into something looking like Jungle once more. This makes for a great riding season but also means my work is never done to prepare, especially as one of the first groups only wants to ride black diamond single track and stay right here in Los Barriles just because Its that great! (Quote) I am not advocating to only stay here but it is certainly a great place to live and start an adventure from. 3 days to 8 days can take you a long way here in Baja and we love the diversity all over Baja! 

Just too beautiful not to pose.

Strangers before, not now!

Time for !

After a couple years we get to know each other.

A guaranteed smile. 

Father/Sons are always cool to see having fun together.

Yes, we get this much rain, and this much fun!

These Crazies push me each year.

Yes I know it is September and we are getting the much needed rains, but this is a recap blog not to confuse everybody thinking that I am writing about this upcoming season. 
As our company goes, we offer what we call custom trips and what this means to us is that we try to fit the best Baja experience for your days off. How many days riding can the group handle and of course route planning for the group skill level, plus the other spectacular activities we offer. Most groups want to have an  experience of local Mexicana, with amazing fresh comida each day & comrade'. Almost every group last season wanted something a little different and I thank you for trusting us to make it happen, it makes it fun and challenging for sure, but we love it as much as you do.

Big smiles just before the big day!

Yes this job can make you go nuts.

Still not sure what they were thinking when they decided to build, but glad they did.

Not every day goes as planned 

Chilquilen preforming for his new friends.

Sea of Cortez delivers fun and beauty.

We are very lucky getting the privilege to meet all walks of life and I mean we never know what to expect but one thing I have come to learn is that everybody that rides dirt bikes and has the desire to explore new countries and new culture's are pretty darn cool! 

Mongol and his 2x day Turkish coffee! yes he packed this kit 1000 miles

These South African's keep returning for more Baja 

The crazy Bulldogs have a peaceful moment (the only one)

                    Check out our episode of DESTINATION BAJA SUR

I wish that I was better at blogging because each trip, each adventure, each group deserves a story written about what happened or what didn't happen here in Baja. I can tell you that we have stories upon stories with each day bringing new one's and really we have to be prepared for all but the best ones are finishing a trip and everybody has ear to ear smiles with their own stories to go home with. 

Joe and crew living the dream.

Washington guys know how to bush wack.

No or little experience but after 3 days these guys were ripping.

Friends of 35 years I am sure we will see each other more often now.

This last season we started with 9 bikes and by the end we had 14 KTM Baja ready bikes so from the looks of the shop I guess the last season was pretty good. Oh wait, they still all need the tender love that Baja Sur dishes out so more of everything going on behind the scenes to ready ourself for the upcoming season. 

Its true Aussies have more fun!!! 

Jalen couldn't have found a better way to have a Bachelor party.

Wether you came down by yourself to meet up with complete strangers or came with lifelong bud's to live another great adventure we thank you in trusting us with your dream. We look forward to another great season with returning groups and of course meeting new friends and showing them an adventure of a life time.
Muchos Gracias to all.
Kirk & Jae