Sunday, November 29, 2015

2015 Baja 1000...there's always a story!

It has been 4 years since I was actually able to race the Baja 1000 and this was something to get excited about for me personally. I know its just another race but really it's not there's alot more to it than can be explained in words yes ego, pride, selfishness, crazy, all come up in conversation but this year really became one word TEAM. 

I had long committed to the same Cantina racing group of guys with Jano Montoya, Pancho Septien and Nino Rojos all great riders with tons of experience so our confidence going in was high but the Baja Mil always commands respect. This year was a Ensenada loop and when the Score crew sets up a loop race they try to make it as tough as possible and this year they succeeded with all the whoops, rocks and yes slit that stuff people talk about but have no idea unless you experience it! My section was the bottom end of the course making sense as Jae and I were traveling from our Sur home with Catavina becoming our pre-run destination. 

After finishing our Captain Baja trips we headed north to find ourselves freezing our butts off with high wind and 50 degree weather yes we could not get warm and yes you can chuckle at this but really we were cold! My section was already deemed the tough part but I was excited as this is a spectacular part of Baja that has such beauty and different from everywhere else in Baja I always think of it like being on the moon. After one night in Catavina we decided to head to Bay O LA to try and get warmer and enjoy this special spot after all this was vacation right! as it turned out I ran into a friend Ned Suesse who was willing to pre-run with me for the next day which makes things more comfortable and Ned is great rider himself so we had a enjoyable day in our element.

 After 3 straight days of per-running we headed to Ensenada and the big show to meet up with the team get the race bike finish details done and do the whole contingency thing which seems to only get bigger and crazier as the years go on.

Race day came quick but the team was ready and we moved south to ready ourselves for the the big day ahead with live tracking we watched Pancho start 25 off the line and move up through the bikes then to Nino and Jano who continued to push forward with confidence and into 1st place in class. By the time I got the bike at race mile 345 it was already 2PM and I thought I could make it to the support truck before dark so with Jae having both of my helmets in hand I chose not to take my night lighted one and off I went into the dust. 

I was having a awesome rip as the sun was heading to the horizon and soon after switched on the lights to further our lead to all most 1 hour as darkness fell and only 10 miles before meeting back up with Jae and Alfonzo (Poncho) for a safety check at the bottom end of the course. Flash, Shit, no lights I played with connections got them back on for a little bit only to be back in the dark! Baja Pits who does all our pits every 50 miles was ahead and I made it to the bright lighted pit where once again I worked on the lights and thought finding a loose switch was the answer as the once again the lights were ready. Well this only lasted a few hundred yards and out they went! with 5 miles to Jae I just had to keep my head down and concentrate on the job at hand which became more and more difficult as mucho people were out to spectate with there camp fires blazing making my dark vision even more challenging. I knew my pre-running buddy Ned was in this area so as I approached groups of people I was yelling out Ned Ned only to be exposed in the darkness with race fans bright flash lights into my eyes then I would yell different things that were not so nice, the last couple miles were lined with camp fires, flash lights fancy car head lights as of course they could hear me so everybody wanted to see the idiot riding in the dark and by the time I made it to the road crossing and pit support I felt like I had won a Oscar and all the paparazzi had burned there flash bulbs into my brain!!

We still had a good lead and we started to work on the bike and of course switch out the idiots helmet for the one with a good HID light we put on another handle bar mount back up and got the race lights working and off I went! Crap 10 yards and the bike was spitting and farting what the hell I turned around and started a mad house of events. We thought it was fuel filter then electrical we pulled out my bike from the truck and started swapping parts. 

Then our class competition started coming one by one until they all passed us by in the pit. Thankfully we had great help from Alfonzo (Poncho) and a couple other friends whom I wish I knew there names as they were also a big help. 2 hours in the pits we finally swapped all electrical and fuel components and Braaappp it was Listo and off i bolted into the dark. Well the bike was running great and then once again the mystery lights went out and to make things more fun my helmet light was flashing on and off as I headed across the Baja looking like a party strobe light. At this point the Stefano and Jano were looking for me with the back up set of lights and when I got to them we swapped lights and I headed out to finish my 250 mile section. Well this was not the end of the drama as one would hope as I had no light issues but the terrain was not rough and when i passed the bike Jano he headed to the dreaded Puertocitos rock whoops where the back up lights went out once again, this lead to the only team crash of the race but hey darkness dust and did i mention yet the 1st Trophy Trucks were now upon us shit dam dang this stuff you can't make up its just pure Baja. Jano was a stud and rolled into San Felipe where we swapped out the wire harness the last piece of the puzzle which ended up the faulty one! Then it was Pancho's turn to tear up the famous whoops of San Felipe and really this whole time we knew it was our goal just to finish this thing and not let Baja beat us. We all shadowed the race bike to every possible access spot to keep checking the bike and Jano jumping on the road sections to keep Pancho from getting cold and a quick rest we were finally heading towards the finish line. I can say that the whole team every single one of us riders, chase drivers, mechanics, had pure determination and never once thought of giving up but only pushing forward not one person closed a eye or faded in the long hours and as we all gathered at the finish line to cheer the accomplishment to see the bike come to the checkered we all felt like superheros, but hey this is the Baja 1000 and everybody and every team that makes it to the finish line is a superhero. All safe no injuries we felt like winners and surely we wished no problems had occurred and we would have finished 1st, but this was for Collie Potter and his great team of guys as well the championship for the year.In the end we gained strength personally and as a team.. After the dust cleared all be dammed we finished 2nd in class proving the old saying "never give up!"

Of course I want to thank everybody that makes this happen Cantina Racing, All American KTM, Jano, Pancho, Nino, Caputo, Poncho of course Jae and the rest of our team who support this crazy dream life.

Carpe diem, Captain 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Cantina Racing

For the last couple of years I have blogged with updates of the race's in our Baja Sur series that I was participating in but this year it was not to be as the bigger picture of work consumed my full attention. But this is not to say that I have not been involved rather choosing to race this seasons Score International events as a rider on the 404X Cantina Racing Team which seems to fit better with only 4 races in the season.

This year Score introduced the Baja 500 Sur which started in Cabo and finished in Loreto and for me this was quite exciting as well the Baja Sur race fans. Although the entry level was not as desired for this inaugural event the April race was set up and went as planned which is huge effort for Roger Norman and the whole Score Team. The race course was great as our southern state is much more natural and not so tore up as the typical northern routes as everybody that made the effort could concur. Cantina Racing based in SD was up for the task bringing down a couple of new bike's and we were set with a great team of Francisco (Pancho) Septien, Gerardo (Nino) Rojas, myself and our team owner rider of record Jano Montoya. The new KTM was set up with awesome suspension and I was off the start and hauling the mail with a good lead when a valve let go @ 140 miles #!& crap. Unfortunately the wise crack of a mechanic thought we needed a hopped up motor to win but as the saying goes you must first finish a race before you can win.

With high disappointment the team headed back to find a new mechanic and prepare to race again and that we will do as well Score has committed to this event for this next year's and I am sure with the pleasures of Baja Sur the event will grow exponentially for years to come.

The Baja 500 is a mainstay in Ensenada and will always be,  just a little confusing now there are 2 Baja 500's Sur in April and Norte in June. The Cantina team was prepped and ready with a All American KTM prepped bike that was bas ass and ready for the task at hand for this brutally rough 500 mile race. With confidence and desire the race went great with close competition but everybody rode awesome except me and the team took 1st place and a fantastic 3rd overall.

The next race in the Score schedule was the Imperial Valley 250 up in California which is a complete shit hole to race at it is small area that poor Californians are forced into because of land restrictions as their is not much love for offroad racing in the states from the government but this is what it is. For this race Jano brought Shane Edposito on board to ride with him as the rest of us stayed in Mexico and watched via the awesome live feed from Score International. With an incredible feet the Cantina Racing KTM took 1st place in our respected 40 pro class but was also able to take the 1st overall for a first time in the 40 pro class yes well experienced dudes rock!!

This now brings us up to date with the high expectations of the Baja 1000 around the corner up in Ensenada with all its glory and work awaiting. This year the race is a loop race starting and finishing in Ensenada which means a rough grueling event as the whoops of San Felipe and rocks of the northern Sierra's await everybody that takes on this challenge whether motorcycles quads or cars and trucks.

This is always great motivation for anybody participating to get your ass in shape and that's also my agenda with cross training riding mountain bike, swimming,  riding the moto of course and my special trail clearing workout with machete and saw. I promise to to give you a full blog of this years event with a anticipated positive result for the 404X Cantina Racing Team but you can also watch the live stream this Nov 20 and maybe catch a glimpse of us on the CBS network which is airing all the Score International races now.
