Saturday, September 19, 2015


To put things blunt its been a hell of a ride since the last words I wrote on the blogger form. As we get ready for the upcoming season I want to reflect on the last season before this years miles get too long in the saddle.

A little time for reflection is always Bueno.

 This last season we welcomed mucho new freinds to Baja Sur and the experiance we call adventure. I want to thank all the guys and gals that traveled to visit us and the wives, girlfriends, and moms that gave the hall pass to put down some punkets for an adventure of a lifetime with some dam good stories.

I think the first time for Jonny.

 We stayed busy this last season through mid May putting on mucho miles with all levels of riders from all walks of life from all over the globe. I am blessed person in a special place and one thing that seems consistant world wide is that people that enjoy off-road motorcycling and experiencing the culture of being in the middle of no where are pretty cool customers Gracias! 

Ready for some San Carlos Whoops!

Family fun at its best!

Go Seahawks 12th man Baja style.

Baja bachelor adventure 

No words

Mount up lets rip.

Hard to describe the beauty

The summer months started with many scares of a El Nino hurricane but they have all sailed by to the deep Pacific and we are thankful for this I just hope my words dont bring a late one! However this has been a great rainy season and actually raining as I write this which means the terrain has changed and literly it is a jungle right now. We certainly appreciate El Nino for what he really is and this means great riding all season long.

Jae and her magic camera

Our dog days of summer are starting to change I see some pictures of snow in the Rockies everybody is thinking about what they will do this winter and spring. Our emails are many so thanks for some patience as we set our schedule and get as many of you settled into your adventure this upcoming season.

See you in Baja