Saturday, February 15, 2014

Blogg Blogg Blogg! Race Set Go.

It is a difficult thing to write a blog when you think nobody is reading it!! but thanks to all that have supported me in getting off my butt to get this thing going again. You see so much happens in Baja, such a different life here, it really is a story worth telling. I might not always be spot on with my words but I am not going to pussy foot around I am just going to start laying it down just like a day ripping on the bike.
A couple of great warriors Jeff Quade, David Zarate

I do have to start with a recap of the end of last season just this Nov I had one race left for the championship and ready to go. The week before was the Baja Mil and we had a group in so of course no play just work as we call it, but sitting here watching the live feeds when KC66 went missing and my stomach hit a wall as all of ours did! the end of the season seemed to not really matter so much! Losing a hero as Kurt takes all of us to a different place for healing and for me I will take some reflection out on the trail just as I do with my other lost compadres ( El Gordo Diaz) and hold their spirit in a place they loved so much Baja!!

Yes RIP stands for Ride In Peace.
We miss you El Gordo!

Yes we did win the 30 pro class and the pro overall title by 2 points it was a fantastic season with mucho thanks to all the pit possie or as we call them Dream Chasers it cant be done without a great team and Captain Baja has the best. 

End of the year Fiesta

Speaking of racing, we just kicked off the first race of the new season here in Los Barriles with the Pueblos Magicos 300 it was a record breaking number of entries for bikes and cars showing that racing is very much alive and well here in Baja Sur. Yes I changed to the open pro class for the season and left my championship number up for grabs but hey it will be fun for me to start with the guys I battled with last year. The race went well for us even though I had 2 tip over's and a pit malfunction where as young master Ramon Davila was able to catch me pass me and take the win with me following a few min behind after the very fast battle (55.5 average MPH!!) we had many locals enter the race but our home town boyz did not fair so well in finishing this first carrera but they will fight again. See link below!
Ramon, Kirk, Gaddo
Great picture just before the finish in Todos Santos.

Once again the CBAT Dream Chasers did a awesome job as they had their hands completely full helping others all day ! Congratulations to 303x Itzcoati /1x Luis, Alex great ride/ 310x Ronny. Unfortunately 22x-bent shit all up, 27x busted 3 ribs ambulance needed, 229x flat tire, 322x fuel /clutch issue, and our amigo 200x yes the Chiquilin had a bad get off and busted himself into the surgery room in SJ, Yes this is just how we roll down here as we are all family in racing!! 

Ronny taking on another tank full O fun.
The CBAT crew with the hardware.

The Baja season has been great with a continued long green season here providing lots of great diversity for riding as we have shown lots of new friends a great time and look forward to seeing them again soon. We welcome all that want to experience the beauty of Baja and how better way of seeing it than on a KTM!